We all carry trauma from early life, ancestry, and beyond. It may appear as dis-ease, dis-order, emotional strife, or difficult life circumstance of any kind.
It is my life’s work joy to uncover the roots of your suffering and support a new journey -
one that exists beyond your trauma into the possibilities waiting for you.
Daniel Atkins, Psy.D. is an Intuitive Psychologist - A licensed clinical psychologist who uses a variety of depth-oriented psychological approaches as well as spiritual, intuitive, and energetic techniques to heal trauma at the deepest level. He uses a combination of his psychological knowledge, intuitive gifts, and energy medicine to heal the deepest wounds we were born to heal.
Connect with Daniel to uncover and release the lineages and layers of trauma conditioning you have been carrying for lifetimes and to activate your soul’s calling.
About Daniel
Daniel Atkins, Psy.D. guides individuals and groups in healing the wounds we all carry from early life, ancestry, and beyond. He combines the foundation of his trauma-focused clinical training with intuitive wisdom and energy medicine to address the physical, mental, emotional, and Soul levels of the human experience.
Daniel was trained as a clinical psychologist and personally navigated a 10+ year journey with a misunderstood medical diagnosis. His healing journey led to the exploration of deep wounds beyond the traditional bounds of western medicine in order to heal himself, activate his soul’s calling, and develop the tools to guide others. His exploration led to alternative pathways and opened latent intuitive gifts which continue to guide both his personal and professional life.
Daniel invites you to activate the healer within and embrace your highest vision.
If you are ready, Let us begin!
Click below to read more about Daniel’s journey.
“Daniel was a gift from the Universe to me!
We’ve been working together for about a year and half and he has been instrumental in my healing journey. He challenges me but with softness and compassion. With his guidance I am able to FINALLY realize and unwind from patterns that are not supporting my highest self. I’ve worked with a few other therapists over the years and he is so different and has been amazing for ME. We infuse energy healing, talk therapy, and parts work in our sessions and whenever we are done with our session I feel 1000000x lighter. I can’t say enough about the person and healer he is.” - Andrea
“Over the past four years, navigating trauma and grief has been a journey I never imagined undertaking. Dealing with the loss of my mobility and the devastating passing of my husband has tested me beyond measure. Yet, amidst the darkness, I found Daniel. For over a year now, he has been my guiding light, my anchor in turbulent seas. Daniel has not only helped me heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually but has also expanded my heart space and broadened my vision of what's possible. His wisdom, authenticity, and unwavering support have been instrumental in keeping me grounded while also allowing me to soar. Through his teachings, I've discovered the power of love, the importance of standing up and bearing witness to injustice, and the beauty of finding common ground among different belief systems. Daniel is more than just a spiritual guide and intuitive psychologist ; he is a beacon of hope and healing for anyone seeking clarity, growth, and connection. I am forever grateful for his presence in my life and the profound impact he continues to have on my journey.” - Joy