Bring Formlessness to Form

Your essence - the truth of who you are - is formless. All things, all matter, is manifested from this space. All form emerges from formlessness, the source of all creation. Regardless of your spiritual, religious, or philosophical perspective, you come from a source which all things emerge and are, therefore, a part of the emerging creation of all things. The field of quantum mechanics, though debated as to its applicability at higher levels of consciousness, acknowledges this shared energetic space - the space of formlessness from which all matter arises. You may acknowledge this on a conceptual level, but I invite you to see this fundamental truth as a daily reality. Humans throughout history have attempted to put this truth into words, whether it be through the Buddhist dissolution of ego, seeing outside Plato’s “cave,” the psychological depictions of “self,” or the many other philosophies, religions, literature, and art that express the formless in the only way it can, through the creative expression of form. However, formlessness can only be witnessed directly and once it is brought to form it loses an essential quality. The representations of the formless in all human endeavors function as a collective gift and are the best tools we have to create and expand, but they must be understand only as guides pointing to direct witnessing.

 In the world of modern healing and science, formlessness and form remain abstract philosophical ideas rather than evidence-based tools because they are unable to be proven scientifically true outside of direct witnessing. But If you can practice experiencing, and remembering, the formlessness of things, you can watch the limitations in your life begin to break down. By this I mean the conditioned beliefs you hold around finding right romantic partner, job, home, etc. are all likely based in the world of form. There is nothing wrong with perceiving your life from the world of form, after all, this is how you were conditioned, but if you practice remembering that you are formless, as is the world around you, these barriers begin to crumble. From the formless place, you can create all that is meant to come into being. Your life can be a painting co-created with Spirit because as you break down the barriers within you, Spirit breaks down the barriers outside of you. Not only can you visit this place, but you can practice living there each day.The practice of manifestation seems conflated by the outdated notion of the “American dream.” The dream that you can build anything you want is often held and told by many coming to America to fulfill all of their desires. While a dream is a sacred thing to have, attachment to that single dream dilutes the process of coming into alignment with what is meant for you and allowing Spirit to support this vision, however it may unfold. Those who follow the “American dream” often end up manifesting what they thought they wanted only to realize that what they called into being was an illusion - a temporary pleasure, an unsustainable luxury. Just like those who win the lottery and often end up just as desirous and unfulfilled as they were previously, if you manifest your life purely from a place of ego, you will always be chasing some unattainable dream no matter what you accomplish in the material world. 

The true vision meant to come through you is not based in ego, but in spiritual guidance and intuitive knowing. True vision is not based in control but in surrender to the greater spiritual forces at play supporting your highest path. Money is only a means, never an end. As you take steps to live in a state of formlessness with deep knowing of this essential truth, you naturally begin to create from a source within beyond boundaries of lack and of lust. Ego gets in the way of true manifestation because it is still based in the world of form and what you can “get” from it, but form is an illusion in itself. All form eventually falls away into that from which it came, just read any history book to confirm this. So to build from the essence of who you are, you must first recognize the illusion you were born into. Yes, you live in a human body and participate in the game of earthly form, paying taxes, entering relationships, and sitting in traffic, but the world of form will never be the truth, only a mirage, a playground to channel Spirit through. Chasing what your conditioned brain perceives as valuable will only reward you within the bounds of what that brain could conjure up. Beyond this limited practice of brain-based creation is the possibility to call a brave new vision into being, to call into form something formless, something never before seen, like the pyramids minus the slave labor or alien technology depending on your perspective. You are here to be of highest service if you wish to answer the call, and in order to discover that mission you must first be willing to dissolve the boundaries of form pervading your view and tap into a deeper source of creation. 

If my words feel critical of material wealth and pleasure, please know I enjoy these things as much as anyone else and aim to receive them in alignment with my path. However,  if that is all you aim for then that is all you will get. Nothing more. To aim for and receive only material wealth is true emptiness. Only when your wealth is paired with purpose does it become a vessel for expansion. Imagine a Ferrari that just sits in the driveway, its potential forever untapped. Wealth that sits in the bank waiting to be passed on to generational recipients can serve a similar fate, untapped in its potential service. Money can be created just as easily as it can be spent. Once you see the ease with which formlessness can be brought to form, there can be less fear around the need to hoard such monetary energy. I am not saying that you should not save or pass on your wealth, but I am inviting you to reflect on your intention to do so, what relationship you are cultivating with money, and what higher vision you may be sacrificing for your life, your loved ones, and the world. Feel free to dream the nice car or the perfect house into being, but once you have that, dream bigger. Do not settle. Dream a dream with no boundaries or limitations by the world of form. If you feel stuck, like your mind cannot dream bigger than the material items it has grown attached to, that is an invitation for you to sit at the edge of possibility until a larger dream takes shape. 

I am called to write, among other things, to bring my witnessing experience - my experience of the formless - to the written word, which then becomes a vessel in and of itself. My written word takes the form of a book or a blog or some other container to be delivered to you and interpreted by you. The mind can only interpret formlessness through a vessel of form, which is why you absorb most information through media. However, the original source of such information happens through a witnessing experience. Therefore, to translate my experience of the formless, I must first bring it to form in my writing or workshops or other forms of service. This is my life’s work. What is yours? You, too, have the capacity to tap into the formless and bring it to form. What is the powerful creation that only you can be a vessel for? 

When you tap into the formless, you remember you are never alone nor could you be. The more you tap into formlessness, the more you remember you are a creation in yourself, that you were once brought to form out of the very same formlessness that all creation stems from. On the surface, it appears you were brought to form by your parents, but they are just forms themselves. You, and they, were brought to form by the source of all creation, of which we are all children. As children, we are conditioned to see our family as the only lineage we inherit, but a larger vision brings forth the truth that we are vessels for the expansion of all and can create and contribute in as many ways as their are unique souls. So go forth. Sit with this written form if it resonates with you and allow it to penetrate beneath the mind, to open up a space within you that has access to the beyond. Allow yourself, with practice, to become the vessel for your highest intention and service to the world. Dance in the emptiness. Linger in the foolishness of things. Discover what you are truly called to do in this life. Be of service in only the way that you can and bring formlessness to the world of form. 


Water & Fire: The Dance of Creation


Intuitive Psychology Pt III: The Vessel Toolkit