To Heal The World, Journey Inward

If you catch yourself wondering how to be productive in a world with so many problems, strife, and complexity, remind yourself that the highest service you provide - in fact, the only service you provide - is the service of your own healing journey. The only medicine you are here to truly give is the medicine you are willing to take. Any wisdom that emerges from your mouth is not true wisdom unless it stems from your own radically subjective witnessing experience. There is no other way wisdom is attained. You may read all the books, receive all the highest academic marks, and collect all the degrees and acronyms that can fit at the end of an email signature, but your true offering comes from the lessons you are willing to learn from within. There are no short cuts or free passes through the path of life experience. Everyone is blessed with the rumblings of a troubled mind, a pleasure-seeking ego, a fragile body, and a soul essence attempting to make itself known. Though the conditions may vary when you zoom in at a certain point in time and space, when you zoom out you find that all come to this human existence for the same reason - to learn the lessons, attain the wisdom, remember your Spirit nature, and transcend to the higher planes of existence. You can be of service to many, and it is a blessing and a miracle to do so, but remember this service stems ultimately from your own journey and will continue to. If you are weighed down by the weight of the world, you must only look within to find the hidden weights - the resistance - you are carrying and gently lay them down.

If there is confusion, frustration, doubt, or any other form of insecurity present, this becomes your homework and your contribution to the world for the moment. As you heal the fears within you, you create space for your own Light to shine through and you simultaneously create space for others to do the same. Your Light is a true energetic frequency and a beacon that attracts others to the flame. Your Light compounds exponentially as it connects with the light source in all things, therefore, lighting up the world. There is no need to create more Light, only to activate and awaken the light hidden in plain sight. When you change the state of your own mind, you change the environment that others experience. That is how powerful you are! You may certainly feel proud of your accomplishments in areas of charity, and deservingly so, but cultivating your highest state of consciousness is a gift that you carry onward in everything you do and in every moment. The cultivation of your highest vibrational state actually creates the opportunities for you to serve in the most aligned fashion. Service happens first from within and then spirals out as your reflection grows bright and mirrors the possibilities of the world around you.

Conviction does not arise simply from getting everything you want from your environment. On the contrary, your conviction comes from witnessing, and then from knowing, that your world is created from the inside out. The ideas that you must achieve a certain thing or receive a certain outcome before you can feel good enough or of value are illusions of fear. As you practice letting go of these fears, the Light within you will cultivate the knowing of your true value all on its own. The worthiness you carry within needs no source of outside validation or accolades, it burns bright simply from your deepest knowing. The answer is in the knowing itself and the knowing comes only from your witnessing experience of the Divine presence.

The writing may sound abstract at this point, but through your own practice of connecting to the sacredness of life, whether through meditation or breath or healers or other medicine modalities, you will begin to gently touch the sacred Nature. When you begin to touch this nature, you glimpse access to something that needs no award, no social media likes, and no amount of money to confirm its realness. Inner knowing is a precursor to all external happenings and no external events happen without a certain level of knowing or readiness. If you receive a promotion or enter a relationship before you are ready, you will lose it as quickly as you appeared to gained it. This is not personal, it is simply out of karmic alignment for the time being. So the only true way to cultivate the things you desire is to go toward the inner state of worthiness and knowing. Practice seeing beyond the current circumstances, into the magic of the unknown, and watch your life begin to take the path it was meant fo.

No action must ever be forced. All right action stems from right knowing, and all right knowing stems from inner practice and vision. Go toward the state of being you want to live in and watch the state of your circumstances change to meet you. Start where you are. You do need a “plan” for what to do or give to the world. Planning is the ego’s attempts at control and is not true knowing at all, in fact, such plans may actually hinder you from surrendering to the possibilities for your life. When you surrender to the inner journey, you choose faith over your conditioned belief. People question why their dreams have not come true, and if the belief is not aligned with the frequency of readiness - your knowing - it will not emerge. In order to know your destiny, start with the material that is presented - your doubts and fears. Notice them and choose the light instead. Move toward the higher state of being in all moments. When you get triggered, remember this is an opportunity to expand. In fact, getting triggered or bumping up against the ego’s resistance is a sign that you are on the right path! All journeys toward awakening and manifestation involve bumping up against such resistances. In the highest state of frequency, there is no resistance and all creation flows like water. Practice entering this state as much as possible and the pieces will fall into place when you are ready to receive them.

First, you may have to get triggered in response to your current circumstances. You may feel drawn further inward from your life as you know it and loneliness or shame may emerge. You may beat yourself up for not being able to see your path or your value. You may look upon the world and see others in relationships that you do not have. Surrender to these feelings of loneliness and comparison when they arise, there is no need to resist them because they are illusions of a distorted mind. Keep practicing your faith in the Light and your willingness to be guided, and soon these waves of emotion energy will start to peel off, leaving your true essence still intact and burning brighter than ever. As you amplify your Light frequency, certain settings and relationships will no longer resonate with you. It is not a comparison game of better or worse, it is simply your Truth you are pursuing. Do everything in your power to create space for presence so the Divine may enter. If all of your life is filled up with scheduling in service of others, it will be quite difficult to here the calling for your highest vision. If you are complaining that you simply do not know what life wants from you or you from it, it is time to start cultivating this present-focused awareness and to slow down to the rhythms of your heart. Only at this rhythm and pace can you begin to hear, see, and notice what life is offering you now. Without force, you will come up against your own brain-based anxieties attempting to distract you at every turn. Remove, one by one, all the things distracting you from being still. With practice, your path will become clear and you will end up exactly where you are meant to be. It may not look exactly like it does in your vision or your expectations of success, but you must trust that Spirit works on a different “time.” Spirit time is no time since all is contained within Presence. Spend as many moments as you can in “no time” and your awareness will guide you true. Whatever daily resistance you notice to being in Presence is your work for that day. All resistances offer you the medicine you seek to transform your inner life and your outer one. Go gently, more effort will not get you there faster. No time is wasted. You are of greater service than you could possibly know.


Be The Unreliable Narrator


Waking Up